
ギリシャにおいてもっとも躍進している会社 弊社 partner Terra Creta


遅ればせながら すでにTerra Creta HPにてリリースされておりますが
弊社のパートナーが 先月表彰をされました 日本語訳をすれば 近年

このビジネスを始めた時は ギリシャ危機なるフレーズが流布し 
ギリシャって 大丈夫なの?

その時にご説明として そうした金融危機の際に もっとも安定している産業は
地に足をつけた産業であろうとと お答えしたことを覚えております。
その事を見事に裏付けてくれた 今回のAwards
弊社一同 嬉しく 誇らしい気持ちです。

以下をご覧いただければ 今回の名誉は外交・貿易・農業の政府組織が主催し
ギリシャ輸出業に携わる全ての組織 さらに商工会議所が賛同した名誉あるAwards

2001年創業のTerra Cretaは4500年にも及ぶクレタ島のエキストラバージンオリーブ
オイル産業にもっとも近代的な手法を取り入れ 「質」への厳格な取り組みを重ね
20ヶ国以上へその商品をお届けし 数々の世界的なAwardsを獲得してきたことも

この機会に是非 Terra Creta そして弊社が誇るAuthentic ONE Estate

Awarded 1st place in category “PROCESSING” at Greek Export Awards 2013

 Terra Creta, the most innovating olive oil company in Greece, has once again manage to gain a significant honorary distinction, by winning the 1st award in the “Processing” category at the Greek Exports Awards 2013 held on Friday 29/3/13 in Divani Apollon Palace & Spa in Kavouri/Athens.
 The award ceremony was held during an event organized by Diplomatic, Financing & Trade Affairs Employees Union, under the auspices of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Development, Trade and Agriculture, and with the participation of all Greek export institutions and local Chambers of Commerce. The goal of this event was to highlight and reward Greek entrepreneurship, help in increasing productivity, competition and employment and also set an example for Greek enterprises.
 Terra Creta was founded in 2001 in Chania and is currently operating at its new ultra-modern facilities in Kolymvari, Crete, Greece. Being export oriented, with a strong commitment to quality and innovation, the company has managed, within a very few years, to extend sales into more than 20 countries and win many international awards. Terra Creta was the first to develop and launch an online traceability system for its olive oil and, in cooperation with local farmers, produces consistently high quality extra virgin olive oil by applying innovative methods for extraction in its advanced olive mill.

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